Dear violin Students 私の大切な生徒たちへ


When you fear something...









数日前に、たまたまエックハルト・トール (Eckhart Tolle)の言葉を動画で聞く機会があり、彼の言葉のなかに、私のこころに触れるものがあったので、英語の勉強も兼ねて、その言葉をもとに、私自身の言葉もおりまぜ、こころの落ち着きを取り戻すための呼吸について少し考え、音源をつくってみました。





When you fear something, it's of some imagined future moment.

You imagine that, it could happen.

But right now, it is not happening,

So whenever you are drifting into fear, realize you have lost the present moment.

The moment you notice it, you say "I’ve lost the present moment, I am lost in the mind" and come back into the present moment.

Here are a few things that can help:

Be aware of your breathing.

Be aware you are alive.

Feel the life energy that pervades the body.

You breathe, you feel aliveness in the body, you’re aware of a sense of perception.

Breathe out, thinking here, grounding yourself in the moment in the space you are in.

Breathe in, thinking now, focusing on living in this specific moment.

Repeat the breath and try to feel you are in the moment, letting go of fear which is an imagined future moment.


pervade: be presentand apparent throughout (いきわたる、広がる)

perception: the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. (知覚)

a sense of perception: understanding gained through the use of one of the senses such as sight, taste, touch or hearing. (五感による認識)